Wednesday 9 June 2010

A Flag for MY Country

Walking to the car in the pool parking lot BK1 saw her first car with flags. She asked why the car had flags and I told her about the World Cup and that those were England flags.

She said she wanted "Manchester flags" so I told her it was not towns but entire countries who went to the World Cup. I mentioned Algeria, England, France, Germany and a couple of other countries.

BK1 then asked me whether we could have the flags of "MY country" and I thought "Aha! I wonder which one ..." and asked which one that was.

Without even thinking she said "Manchester".

There you have it, my daughter really is English.

And the Babelwife has a major problem being Algerian and living in the UK :-) (Note from the Babelwife: No, I don't!)

1 comment:

  1. Just to say, I have no problem whatsoever being Algerian and living in the UK. My heart is algerian through and through.


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