Thursday 11 November 2010

Welcome BK3

We are delighted to announce that at 4.31 on Friday the 5th of November our 3rd daughter was born. BK1 and BK2 slept through the whole thing. Everybody is happy and well.

During birth, we spoke at least two languages (French between us and English with the midwife) and the baby was obviously addressed in true OPOL fashion seconds after it was born.

I need to update the family language diagram...


  1. Huh? I must have missed something (or maybe you guys are just more on the sneaky side???) :)

    Congratulations und wilkommen auf der Welt BK3! Enjoy the ride!

  2. Many congratulations! I have neglected my blog reading for a while (obviously, if I'm just now learning about the new baby) and am delighted to see your good news. Best wishes for the newest member of your multilingual family!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you all for the warm welcome of our little baby girl. Can't believe it's already been almost 3 months! BabelDad has been thinking long and hard how to modify the family language diagram once BK3 enters the language scene!


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