Friday 20 May 2011

Sunny spells

We moved house last weekend. The new house is chaos. But this is a post for another day.
BK2 (aged 3) has been speaking a lot of English at home. This is most apparent when BK2 and BK1 are playing, BK1 being more than happy to oblige to her younger sister's English love story.
This morning, I am upstairs. BK2 and BK1 are donwstairs in the dining room, having breakfast.
BK2: L., wach raki tdiri?
BK1: Rani raiha nakoul.
BK2: Ana thani nhab nakoul.

Chances are (90%) you have not, dear reader, understood anything in this conversation, and that is because you are not Algerian. A whole 3 sentences 100% Algerian Arabic, music to my ears!


  1. :-D I think I get the gist but am also surprised quite how different Algerian Arabic is from Sudanese Arabic!

  2. Isn't it funny? Different countries speak arabic differently. To the point that communication can quite often be tricky...

  3. How lovely that the siblings spoke Arabic to each other without any prompting from you!

    Congratulations on your new home--and bon courage for all the unpacking and settling in!

  4. Thank you Sarah, we are settling in, slowly as you can imagine!


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