Monday 9 July 2012

French at School

Primary school in England has three stages: Foundation (pre-school and reception), Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (years 3 through 6).

BK1 will be in year 3 from September. The school organised an information evening for parents, on the transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2, to explain the new routines and subjects.

The main change seems to be delayed lunch, 12.30 instead of 12.15.
The other novelty is the weekly hour of French.

Some years ago, before BK1 started school, a certain Jean-Christophe used to come to school and teach French to all Key Stage 2 children. Due to budget cuts (heard this one before?) and the fact that language teaching is not mandatory (yet), regular teachers have now taken over.

The headteacher did ask me if I wanted to volunteer and run a weekly French class. I am tempted.
It would not have a direct benefit to BK1. She can already read and understand books in French. It would be an interesting experience though.


  1. Of course, it is a very time consuming task, but do it! At least the kids would get someone who speaks French!
    I can help if you are after some ideas.

    1. Thanks Annabelle for the offer, will definitely ask you if I go ahead with it!
      I may have exaggerated reality, the headteacher did not ask explicitly, she just said to my group of parents that any fluent french speakers are welcome to volunteer and help. Ce n'est pas tombé dans l'oreille d'un sourd :)

  2. Still a great thing to do I think... even better if it just helping out. Gives you more freedom to do bits and pieces you enjoy.

  3. I just recently came across your blog. It is great to be able to read from other parents who are raising children multilingually. Our baby is only 7 months old at the moment so we are just figuring things out!


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